11,286 Feet





Chihuahua was one of several towns located along Peru Creek northeast of Montezuma. It never amounted to much, but for a time, it did rival most of the other camps in the district.

By what remains today, you'd never guess that at one time it was a town with at least two hundred residents, and fifty buildings. It had two hotels, the Snively and the Chihuahua. It had three saloons (a comparatively small number), three restaurants, and a sawmill. Residents boasted that it was a town without sin, and thus there was no need for clergy.

Before the decade was out, the town began to fade as the ore dwindled. Then, in 1889, a forest fire completely destroyed the town. No one bothered to rebuild it.

Today, the remains of two charred foundations can be seen at what was once a substantial town.